Here is the picture of the controversial cross the Moslem fought so hard to remove at the University of Ibadan many years ago. To get the picture clearly, the Chapel of the Resurrection(first picture above)is located on the right hand side of this picture where you see two students walking. Extended to the right is part of the woods where students have their cell meetings and then you see the chapel. The chapel and the cross on top of the hill has been there for years. But then,years later, this mosque in the picture was built and then trouble started.
Unfortunately for the Moslems (and I might add quickly, maybe fortunately for them) their mosque was built with their eastward bound prayer posture facing the cross on the hill. So when they come for prayer, the cross is standing right in their view and they did not like that. The idea of praying to Allah and then lifting up their heads to see the cross of Christ was a major problem for them. They fought so hard in what became a national story then in Nigeria to remove that cross but the Christians stood up and fought back any attempt to have that cross removed. Finally, the Muslims reached a compromise by erecting a screen to block their view of the cross. Removing the cross was not an option acceptable to the Christian community of the Univeristy of Ibadan.
To see what was erected,you will have to look closely at the immediate left hand side of the cross. There You will see a rectangular object that looked like it is part of the mosque but its not. That is the erection that was built to shield the moslems view of the cross on the hill. On the far right hand corner is another monument erected later by the moslems as their own symbol to compete with the cross on the hill.
What an amazing story this was and still is years after it took place. The devil can raise all kinds of dust but he cannot shield the people from Jesus. They can erect a barrier to shield their view from seeing the cross but the work of the cross of the Lord is finished and will follow them day and night until they accept the Lord.
Please remember to pray for Moslems everywhere for God to break the bondage they are in. Majority of Moslems are decent and wonderful people who just need the Lord.
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