Sunday, September 18, 2005



"Let me introduce to you the newest member of my family. Her name is OLUWAFEYISAYO (God has made this child a joy) ADEJOJU (Precious Crown) OLUWATUMININU (The Lord has Comforted me) the daughter of AJIBOYE. She was born on the 5th of September 2005 and was named today 17th of September".

Many of us know Pastor Sayo Ajiboye as one of the regular contributor to the Mature Christain Forum. His writings are very deep and very precious to us as many of us have been blessed by them. Just like his writings, Pastor Sayo is a very special man inded and this is not an exageration. To those of us who knew him well as far back as the Univeristy of Ibadan in Nigeria where we all attended the Ibadan Varsity Christain Union (IVCU) together, can testify to his gentle spirit, his love for the brethren and his drive to do the will of the Lord regardless of circumstances. Sayo love the Lord and his people with a passion.

It is only fitting for us to pause to celebrate with this wonderful man of God who was far away in Singapore attending a christain confrence when his new born baby was delivered. We also rejoice and congratulate his wonderful wife sister Moni and the other children.

May the Lord bless the new baby - OLUWAFEYISAYO and the enitire Ajiboye family.

Bro Kunle Elegbede.