Wednesday, September 28, 2005




Our Lord predicated our entrance into His Kingdom on some astonishing premises - did we feed the hungry? or give water to the thirsty? or clothe the naked?
The Call of our faith is a direct call to Social Action. The words our Lord rings in my heart as he said to His disciples: "you give them something to eat!"

We need to obey that injunction today especially in Africa. I have written thoughts on platforms for mobilizing change . I write from a Christian conviction but as much as possible, I tried avoid using christienese in most of the paper. Please read and respond. I have attached a formated version in Word, you can also see the same article at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I am always being accused of being evil I would like to exonerate myself with a few solid facts , if there are any women here I would like to say with regards to whom or what is considered to be pagan? for one not me or evil, not in the true sense of the word, the word pagan was given to the followers of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses more specifically to the followers of the god who defeated Apollo, Zeus and Hades, the term pagan became generic of all followers of people who did not believe the word of Jesus Christ, during the Christian persecutions of the non-believers and witch hunt trails by the Christian church the Puritans, the Catholics and any domination of Christian practice, calling people Pagan give the Christian a wider spectrum of terminology, any Christian did no longer have to ask are you a follower of Sumerian, or name sake an Odinist and since the Christian and King James bible deemed that there was no separation of any idolatry hence anything not of the Semitic god Yahweh was labelled as evil even if it's intent was not evil it was still considered as the devils work, so the Christian church deem all none believers of the Christian church as Pagan however in truth the Pagan term did not spread thus far to the Western lands of the Americas, it was the Latin church and the Spanish church under the direction and power the Latin catholic hierarchy give the Western Indigenous Indian the incorrect term of Pagan, the plains Indian Brave/Warrior the Apache, the Kiowa, the Mescalero Apache, the Pueblo, the Hopi and hundreds of hundreds more tribe who all fought in the sixty years Indian Wars are not Pagan, the embodiment of the American Indian beliefs are in fact mostly spiritual which unlike the Pagan beliefs they do not perpetuate the imagery of gods, goddesses and deities in stone as did the Pagans Greece and Rome, in addition to this it is worth knowing that the use of bone carved chokers, and necklaces are not a symbol of pagan worship they are in fact a symbol of the warriors status and spiritual strength.

Leeds West Yorkshire
Caminando Aguila Forbes

January 19, 2015 9:37 AM  

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