Sunday, September 18, 2005



"Dear Friends,

Let me introduce to you the newest member of my family. Her name is OLUWAFEYISAYO (God has made this child a joy) ADEJOJU (Precious Crown) OLUWATUMININU (The Lord has Comforted me) the daughter of AJIBOYE. She was born on the 5th of September 2005 and was named today 17th of September.

Feyisayo's birth is a miracle. She came at a time when we least expect ANYTHING along the line of babies again. She came to us at a time when we needed to know that the Lord indeed is with us. I am sending this mail to say to all our friends and contacts that the Lord is faithful, he will meet all of us at the point of our need".

Dear Brethren,

Many of us know Pastor Sayo as one of the contributors to the Mature Christain Forum. His writings are very deep and we have been blessed by them. To those of us who know Pastor Ajiboye very well (from the time he was at the university of Ibadan in Nigeria, where we all attended one of the Christian fellowships on campus called " Ibadan Varsity Christian Union) will testify to his sweet and gentle spirit. He has the drive to follow the Lord regardless of circumstances. In short, Pastor Sayo Ajiboye is a very special man indeed and this is no exaggeration. Sayo is a man who love the Lord and Gods people with a passion.

It is only fitting for us to pause and celebrate with this wonderful man of God and his family on the arrival of the new addition to his family. Pastor Sayo was far away in Singapore doing the work of the Lord when the baby came into the world. We also rejoice and congratulate his wonderful wife, sister Moni for being a wonderful help meet and a good mother.

May the Lord bless the new baby - OLUWAFEYISAYO and the entire Ajiboye family.

Bro Kunle Elegbede

FOOTNOTE: For those interested : Pastor Sayo had a chance meeting with a man called Doc Searls by sitting next to him in an airplane few years ago. Doc searl is the editor of a weblog called "Doc searls weblog" . Doc soon found out what we have always known about our dear brother for many years and you should go there and read it for yourself.
It is under the title "Markets are miracles, cont'd"------>


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