Dr JOSEPH J. SAMUEL is the Pastor of The Perambur Christain Church Ministries in India. He has been a christain since he was 18 years old and he has been involved in the work of the ministry since then. As a medical doctor, he used his profession to help the poor people of India and planted seventy two churchs. Dr Samuel is visiting with family members in Houston, Texas and he is available for ministration on a limited basis if he is invited. He specifically ask for your prayers for his ministry especially in the areas of Christain Mission Hospital and Christain school. Other areas of their ministry is Church planting, Evangelism, Bible Seminars, Orphans and Widows work, Gospel and Medical camps and Bible School. Dr Samuel is a remarkable man of God indeed and he deserves our support in every way we can. God wants us to honor those who LABOUR AMONG US. He is a true labourer in his vinyard. To contact Dr Samuel or to offer assistance to their ministry please call Bro Steven Bolting at (281) 491 7130.
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