Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Here is more excerpt from the book of Pastor Taiwo Odubiyi. She and her husband Pastor Sola Odubiyi are presently based in Maryland, USA.

Pastor Odubiyi is a serious Christian woman who has a ministry to the singles and married couples. More than ever, families need help in the area of relationships which most of the time get swept under the rug for other so called bigger christain subjects. We do not have to wait until problems of relationship become unbearable before we put spice into it. Here is a ministry solely devoted to this most neglected area of christian life and we need to encourage her efforts at a time when many Christain marriages have gone through divorces with some on the brink of divorce and many other problems.

Excerpts from Pastor Odubiyis new book and website is here below. She is available for speaking engagements in churches. She can be reached at: 410-519 6888

Website: http://www.taiwoodubiyiministries.com


More excerpt:

"and he believed a responsible man should not hit his wife, no matter the provocation. He had declared this belief several times. And several times she had provoked him, in fact, there were times he believed she deserved his beating, but he had not raised his hand against her.

For sometime now, all they did together was argue and quarrel, throwing harsh words at each other in anger. He could hardly remember the last time they discussed, joked or played together.

He turned and went back inside the house, slamming the door.

Tosin hissed angrily, engaged the gear in reverse and moved. The security man opened the gate and she swung the car onto the street, her mouth set in anger. Still hot and bothered, her mind in a turmoil, she drove toward the bank where she worked.

She knew she was wrong. Even if her husband had offended her, there was a better way to handle it. Ladi didn't deserve the treatment she was dishing out to him, but somehow, she couldn't help it. He kept offending her, doing so many little things which now amounted to so much.


This is an earlier excerpt from Pastor Taiwo Odubiyi's second book titled - Love Fever. Read it and experience the will of God and how to love your spouse in this intriguing, suspense filled and heart warming romance novel.

"Tosin stepped out of the house and closed the door gently, walking towards her car. The door flew open again and Ladi stood there.
"Tosin!" He shouted. "Where are you going?"
Without stopping, she threw over her shoulder, "The office. Any objection?"

Ladi looked angry. "Shouldn't you tell me you were leaving? Where is my breakfast?"
"The cousin you brought should be able to get it for you." Tosin opened the car door and entered.
"Is it Sade that's supposed to do that? Look, I'm getting fed up with this your ... I don't care attitude and behavior."
"Too bad," she said carelessly and started the car.
"Don't move that car, Tosin!" Ladi said furiously, his anger getting out of control.
"Look, if you have anything to say, get it over with. I'm getting late for work, you're wasting my time!" She told him roughly, her tone matching his.

Ladi walked towards the wine colored Opel Omega car, his face twisted in anger. "Your husband is complaining about your attitude and you call that a waste of time?"
She was unmoved. She knew he wouldn't hit her. "It is a waste of time as far as I am concerned. Any other thing?" She asked rudely, looking at him.

He was already dressed for office wearing an expensive suit, which was perfectly tailored for his tall, well built frame. He was a handsome man in his early thirties and he seemed very attractive now in the white shirt he wore under the jacket.

Ladi stopped midway to the car and considered his wife of four years. The 5 feet, 8 inches tall lady was wearing her favorite outfit of red silk blouse and navy blue suit, with open toe shoes. Her long hair was packed to a side in a very lovely way, and with her glowing dark skin, the twenty nine year old lady was a beauty.

Ladi thought of what to do. He could seize the car keys from her and delay her, he could hit her and teach her to mind her manners, but none of this would solve the problem, he reasoned. He was a christian and he believed a responsible man "


Anonymous Fajulo said...

your books are really cool,shedding light on the realities of relationships. They're so inspiring! Faj from jos.

November 14, 2011 1:17 PM  
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