Monday, December 12, 2005



One Poem I learned in 1978 at Methodist High School Ilesa and that I have never forgotten is Gray's "Elegy written in the Churchyard" An elegy by the way is a Song of mourning, a pensive reflective poem that is both nostalgic and melancholic. Today Gray's Elegy pops right into my mind as I remember the victims of Sosoliso flight to Port Harcourt this penultimate Friday.

Gray wrote about the Curfew tolling the knell of the parting of the day, and the glimmering landscape fading on the sight.He wrote about rugged elms and yew trees shade and narrow cells under which the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. He wrote many other things in this powerful poem (read at all of which speaks to our nation and the homes that have been affected by this tragedy. The only difference is that these people are not "the rude," they are the best that our nation has to offer.

I speak of Rev Mrs Bimbo Odukoya, a titan of her time, a missionary extraordinaire, a mobilizer per excellence, a leader that is true, a source of light, a source of life - indeed a FOUNTAIN OF LIFE! How could she have died so soon and so suddenly?
How could she have died at a time when our nation needs her, at a season when our people are looking for Hope? This is a period when many are asking "where is the way" and a brilliant light that shone - like John the Baptist, crying to the nation to prepare a way for the Lord was snatched from our Land. I weep hot tears!

I identify with the Psalmist and reject any super spirituality. I identify with the pain and say in the words that the Spirit wrote that for the Nigerian Nation, Our tears should be our food day and night, for many in the nation will say to us "Where is your God?" We pour out our soul in remembrance as we remember the great multitude that flowed to Ilupeju and the great leadership that Pastor Bim gave the procession... (Psalm 42:2-4 Adapted)

Pastor Bimbo prospered in her calling and built a generation of worshipers. What about the 70 Children of Loyola College who were snuffed out before their candle was lit? Oh what Pain, Oh what sorrow; Oh what loss!! How are the mighty fallen - David said! How are they fallen who should have been the giant Killer for the Nigerian Nation, How are they fallen who should have been the dreamer of great possibilities for the land; How are they fallen to pain to a violent death who should have brought meaning and life and discoveries to our land! Nigeria should mourn our nation needs to cry; the people need to shout: Have mercy Oh Lord, stay the hand of your violent judgment on our nation!

Even though the Children died, it is the Nation that has suffered irreparable loss. How long shall this culture be sustained of carelessness for Human life? How long shall the culture of non maintenance of structures be maintained? Obasanjo needs to be told that there is yet a battle to fight. A battle for true diligence and attention to details at our work, a battle against those who will waste the life of our nation because of their personal corrupt interest. It is time for our Nation to Shout - The Sword of the Lord - against those that will not allow things to be done right. For if things have been done right, the 110 should not have died.

Adieu Pastor Bimbo, Adieu great woman of Faith, You lived well, you died bravely; you were the Best! Adieu my young friends, we have lost you, how can we ever recover your gifting! May the Lord have mercy on the Nigerian Nation.

In Pain.


A MOTHER OF THE UNDERDOGS: Have you ever wondered what would be said about you when you pass on to the other side? Will your testimony continue to minsiter to those left behind long after you are gone? This is the case with our beloved mother, Hon Lady Theresa Bai Craig.

During the Service of Songs in her honor recently, she was called " A mother of the Underdogs" by those who knew her well. Even though she was the wife of a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria , she shuned the limelight prefering to stay in the background ministring to all categories of people from the very powerful to the weakest members of her society. During her life time, it became apparent that she always stood with the defenceless, the weak - the Underdogs. "Mummy" as she was fondly remebered by many had a compassionate heart and a gentle soul. She was a mother not only to her own biological children but to so many other chidlren and grandchildren from many other families including that of her house helps whose grandchilren only knew her as "Mummy " and nothing else.

With her passing, we are reminded once again (borrowing from a Sermon Preached by Pastor Emiko Amostuka many years ago) that it is not " How long we live, but how well we live " .

Posted by Picasa Mummy is survived by many children inluding our dear sister Dr Rebekah (Taiwo) Ayodele, wife of Pastor Yemi Ayodele. "Mummy" was the wife of Late Hon. Ebenezer Babasanya Craig. CFR, SAN.

Interment is at Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria on December 23, 2005.