A MOTHER OF THE UNDERDOGS: Have you ever wondered what would be said about you when you pass on to the other side? Will your testimony continue to minsiter to those left behind long after you are gone? This is the case with our beloved mother, Hon Lady Theresa Bai Craig.

During the Service of Songs in her honor recently, she was called " A mother of the Underdogs" by those who knew her well. Even though she was the wife of a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria , she shuned the limelight prefering to stay in the background ministring to all categories of people from the very powerful to the weakest members of her society. During her life time, it became apparent that she always stood with the defenceless, the weak - the Underdogs. "Mummy" as she was fondly remebered by many had a compassionate heart and a gentle soul. She was a mother not only to her own biological children but to so many other chidlren and grandchildren from many other families including that of her house helps whose grandchilren only knew her as "Mummy " and nothing else.
With her passing, we are reminded once again (borrowing from a Sermon Preached by Pastor Emiko Amostuka many years ago) that it is not " How long we live, but how well we live " .

Interment is at Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria on December 23, 2005.
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